Introduce Yourself : Makeup Artist by day... by Jacqueline Mychajlowycz

Jacqueline Mychajlowycz

Makeup Artist by day...

Hey everyone, I've just joined the site a few days ago so it's great to meet you all! My name is Jacqueline but you may all call me Jackie. I am a makeup artist in training at the University College Birmingham in the UK. I have worked on small theatre productions around local companies in Birmingham like Worcester on Stage, The Royal Ballet, and The Birmingham Conservatoire. I want to specialize in Theatre, Film, or TV makeup and while I have worked on some small student films in high school I have yet to branch out to larger productions. I look forward to having a chat with you guys and hearing more about your backgrounds and plans!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Jacqueline! Great to have you here!

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