Introduce Yourself : Lisa Lopez by Lisa Lopez

Lisa Lopez

I have been acting off and on mostly stage since high school. Recently in the past 5 years I have taken it more seriously in those 5 years I have landed a agent attended several workshops, and have been in 2 feature films one speaking and the other background which I had the honor of doing that one with both my daughters. Also 1 short film located on YouTube Redemption by louise devery I played Stacy if anyone is interested in checking it out. I have just now kicking it up a notch and trying to put 100% in to acting as I just don't want it to be a hobby. I'm not looking to be a famous celebrity I just want to act and follow my dreams and I know my 3 kids will follow their dreams and set goals to reach those goals.. And a quick shout out to the most amazing supportive loving husband who with out his support and devotion I wouldn't be following my dreams❤️

Shawn Speake

Happy Fourth, Lisa! Welcome to our family! … Don't forget to upload and showcase some of your finest work on S32, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me. Be safe this holiday weekend!

Lisa Lopez

Thank you all for the great advice.

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