Success Stories: SEP'25 A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL requested by Maximum Films & Management

Geoff Dupuy-Holder

A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL requested by Maximum Films & Management

Following a Happy Writers pitch session the screenplay for my supernatural Western feature A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL has been requested by Maximum Films and Management. I'm quite chuffed about that. Now it's back to the fourth redraft of my 'zombie movie without any zombies'....

Mark Mccormick

Hey everyone I'm an aspiring VO artist and I hope if you have time to take a look at my new website let me know what you think plus take a look at all my content through the links? At this stage I'm learning and developing my style and to use social media to try my different range of characters I can do and out it out there to a wider audience so if you have the time take a look and let me know what you think? Thanks everyone Mark

C. D-Broughton

Mark, no offence, mate, but can't you make your own thread rather than spam Geoff's? Not cool. Best of luck to you, Geoff.

Mike Romoth

Big congrats. Good luck with your work.

Jim Duncan

Congrats, Geoff!

John Garrett

Rock ON Geoff!

Geoff Dupuy-Holder

Thanks everyone for the comments. I hope your own projects are blessed by a fair wind.

Emma J Steele

Congratulations on both requests, Geoff! Good luck with the reads!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Great news. Congrats Geoff.

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