Introduce Yourself : Art Lawyer Transitioning to Screenwriter by Judith A Bresler

Judith A Bresler

Art Lawyer Transitioning to Screenwriter

Hi everyone! So happy to have found Stage 32! After immersing myself in Art Law for a number of years (practicing, lecturing and publishing in the field -- and suppressing my creative streak, somewhat), I'm joyfully transitioning to screenwriting. I'm based in New York and I've just finished my first feature-length screenplay -- a dark comedy/thriller on the art market. Would love some feedback on my screenplay, at some point -- and to connect about next steps.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Judith - nice to meet you here. Art Lawyer to Screenwriter? That's cool. I know that best way to learn the craft is to read other's work - I love reading indie stuff, RB posted a blog with few screenplays a few months back: Have you started pitching your idea or entered it into a contest? There's actually a contest happening on Stage 32 right now. Cheers.

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