Introduce Yourself : Jason Titus by Jason Titus

Jason Titus

Jason Titus

Hello Everyone, My name is Jason Titus and I am a screenwriter and Editor from San Francisco. I have been screenwriting for four years. While being mentored by a film producer in LA. I have studied at Columbia College Chicago where I was put on the Deans list. I'm going to be leaving for another school called Middlesex Univeristy in London for the fall, where I recieved a Merrit scholoship to study filmmaking. I love writing and creating stories that really matter people at a high level. I'm very much looking forward to meeting and talking with new and exciting people. Please feel free to reach out!

Patrick Hero Ricarte

Hi Jason, thank you for connecting. I'd be happy to collaborate with you in the near future if you are interested.

Jason Titus

Thank you Patrick, if you like to see some of my work shoot me a message of your email and I will send it to you! I would love to collaborate!

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