Introduce Yourself : Hi Everybody! by Ryan D. Canty

Ryan D. Canty

Hi Everybody!

Long time member of stage 32 out here in Pittsburgh! Not here as much as I want to be mainly due to work and doing improv etc. which i'm going to rectify. But this community is great and everyone here is fantastic! Enjoy your weekend!

Amanda Toney

How's improv going?

Ryan D. Canty

Hey Amanda! It's going well. It IS a lot of work: weekly team practice (I'm on a short form team that performs monthly for Arcade Comedy Theater Sunday nights.), taking classes when I can, etc. but I love it!

Ryan D. Canty

Hey Sue! Not I haven't yet...but I definitely need to get more involved with the Pittsburgh film community!

Amanda Toney

Ryan - that sounds like so much fun, even though it's a lot of work. At least you're getting to do what you love :) I'm cheering you on from the S32 offices!

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