Introduce Yourself : Music artist author by Stanley Earl Alston

Stanley Earl Alston

Music artist author

11/16/16 I completed another radio show interview one of many over the course of 49 years in the music business. What I've learn in that time frame is that you don't have to be a house hold name to be successful. It's easier to deal with people, but harder to handle potential promoters and so called buyers. At this point at the suggestion of a friend I shall release some of my instrumental music never released before that will allow me now enter into the world of film. Now I shall release my first instrumental music Ep. To be titled Yesterday Today & Tomorrow. If you have some free time and would care to lend an ear there may be something to learn. One thing I've learn is you don't have be a house hold name to a legend. Don't as the power's at hand asked God. In his time frame when you don't expect it. It shall be given. If you listen you might find out what I'm talking about.

Dara Taylor

Looking forward to checking out your interview, I'm sure it'll be full of great info!

Brenda Young

Hi Stanley, Nice to meet you, you'll love Stage32. You sound real busy. I'll check out the youtube video.

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