Introduce Yourself : Collaborators by Max Sappa

Max Sappa


Hi! I am always on the look for collaborators: co-writers, producers, DOPS, actors etc etc.... Please see below links to my most recent shorts: 1. Respect 101 (short thriller) - Synopsis: Where is the respect? The sympathy? The love for your neighbour? Kids today harass, brawl, belt, smash and grab. It’s time for an old man to teach these yobbos a lesson. Welcome to Respect 101, the only academy where you learn or you die. 2. Happy Birthday My Dear (short drama) - synopsis: Emma, an attractive middle-aged housewife, has just finished the last touches for the sixtieth surprise party for her beloved husband, Oscar. At that exact moment, a mysterious man calls declaring that he's Oscar's lover. Before she can digest the shocking news, the excitable guests arrive Champagne in hand. Little do they know that these won't be the only bubble to burst... This year I took a writing sabbatical and I aim to write as much material as I can - since February I wrote the very first draft of three long features films and co-wrote the pilot of a sitcom. Yes I am that committed. I am looking forward to meeting you. Thanks. Regards Massimiliano (Max) Sappa IMDB:

Tomasz Mieczkowski

I know I saw this before, but hey, I'll say it again. Respect looks really good.

Max Sappa

Thank you Tomasz... you're very nice... and please feel free to say it again ;) Ciao! Max

Shawn Speake

Strong work, Max. My kinda material. I'll write/produce with you on a feature if you're lookin' for another Screenwriter/StoryTeller - with your guarantee the work gets shot. I'm also a working type-cast actor - always a Bad Man. So it's whatever you need. Here's a sample of my writing. A fifteen page short we're shooting in Big Denver: 'HOLLYWOOD ENDING': ... still in polish pass stage of development :)

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