Introduce Yourself : A fresh writer and feature actor called Issa Adeeb by Issa Mohammed Adeeb

Issa Mohammed Adeeb

A fresh writer and feature actor called Issa Adeeb

Hello to everyone who will see my introduction

My name is Issa Adeeb a screenwriter and making my way to enter hollywood .

I have descovered im my self the gift of acting and writing and so i have started to write a script which i beleive it is very very good, the story of the script talks about the famous game Devil May Cry and i have recreated it to a better story than you can imagine and im trying to show it to people in hollywood but unfortunately no one is listining or even take a look at it and I am far away from hollywood and thats why i cant get an agent and start to work for real and still trying to find a solution to my situation .

And again Im working now on an original story of mine called The White Blade and until now i have wrote 7 pages of it .

Im glad to join stage32 and I plan to make friends here and contacts, And i believe that one day i will acheive my dream and change my miserable life .

Thanks for all who had read this and gave an intrest in it

Allen Lynch

Welcome Issa & good luck!

Ally Shina

Welcome Issa!

Issa Mohammed Adeeb

Thank you all

Myron DeBose

Sup Issa

Issa Mohammed Adeeb

Myron DeBose hello myron

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