Your Stage : 14 and Pregnant by Makesha (Aadila) Williamson

Makesha (Aadila) Williamson

14 and Pregnant

At "14" Kimberly feels neglected by her parents who works constantly. She is surrounded by peer pressure which she succumbing to doing things that she’s not ready for. Decision points with the help of her best friend, Kimberley learns that some choices we cannot blame anyone else for our poor decisions. Get your copy of “14 and Pregnant.” Faster than imagined. Drugs, unprotected sex, pregnancy, and STD’s pivots Kimberly into a life she never imagined. She is faced with life changing decisions that no one saw coming Talk to your daughter's and son's about teen pregnancy, drugs, unprotected sex and STD's.. "If adolescent pregnancy prevention is to become a priority, then our strategy, as advocates, must contain two key elements: Civic Engagement and Education. We must begin to shift the emphasis of teen-age pregnancy to teen-age boys. Just saying no prevents teenage pregnancy the way 'I Love You' cures chronic depression.." Now on Amazon Kindle.

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