Acting : "Table Read" by Raymond J. Negron

Raymond J. Negron

"Table Read"

Hello, hope everybody is phenomenal. I'm a screenwriter looking to put together a group for "Table Reads."

I'm looking for professionals who would be interested in doing this on a weekly basis, as this would be online. Please email me, if you're interested as I'm looking to place together some serious professionals so we can all develop our craft and also network with like minded people. In advance, thank you for your response.

Warm regards,

Raymond J. Negron

Quang Milligan

Yes! interested

Natalie Elizabeth Beech

This is an interesting concept, would be interested if the circumstances were right for sure, feel free to send me a PM here.

Lisa Vandiver

Please, tell me more in a message. Thank you.

Eyiara Olugunna

Hi Raymond, this sounds like a good idea which I am interested in. Could you please tell me more about what would be required?

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