Your Stage : Crowdfunding The Book Club on Seed & Spark by Christine DiTillio

Christine DiTillio

Crowdfunding The Book Club on Seed & Spark

Hello fellow Stage 32'ers!

The Book Club is a short film I wrote back in 2016. The script was a finalist in the We Make Movies film challenge. I did not win the prize package so Robert DiTillio and I decided to go ahead and make this film independently. We have a crowdfunding campaign running on Seed & Spark right now to produce The Book Club. We are producing it along with our friend, Christina Gray. Crowdfunding is one of the best ways to accomplish this otherwise daunting task.

You can join our indie film family by making a pledge which will assist us in producing this quirky comedy short. In return, we have some pretty cool incentives you will receive at various contribution levels. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. It will also be helpful to us if you can Follow THE BOOK CLUB on Seed&Spark. If you like what you see and want to Share it on any of your social networks, that would be even more awesome. Along with contributions the more Followers and Shares we get, the more successful we will be. Any amount of support will help bring this script off the page and onto the screen.The world needs a little levity nowadays and I’m confident this film will bring a smile to many faces Thank you!

You can go directly to the campaign by clicking this link:

Following and sharing do not require you to make a contribution, but please keep in mind that any amount you can spare will be of tremendous benefit to the completion of this movie. And, you will be part of an original film project!

Thank you so much,


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