Introduce Yourself : Commercial Producer by Les Wells

Les Wells

Commercial Producer

Good Morning. I've been a commercial producer for over 30 years. In 2017 with the urging of my wife I set out to write my TV concept which had been rattling around in my brain for many years. It has been a challenging and interesting experience so far. My Pitch document has gotten solid feedback but my downfall is the Pilot Script. My hope is that somewhere out there, there's a director or show runner who believes in my idea and partners with me. While I'm struggling, I keep trying and am always looking for info via Stage 32 which has been a great source of info and support. Let's all keep up the work and tell our stories. Have a great rest of the weekend and Holiday. My thanks to Stage 32. les

Richard "RB" Botto

Les, as someone that has been writing for many years and has seen, well, just about everything, my advice is to keep pushing. This is a long game. It's a journey. But it's made easier by a few things: Continuing to hone your craft, staying on top of everything happening in the business, and making connections that lead to reads. Try to win every day by doing those things and you'll never feel like you're struggling.

Never hesitate to reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, at J.mirch@stage - He's always helping, guiding and inspiring our writers. He's a great ally to have in your corner. Keep charging, my friend.

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