Introduce Yourself : Full-Time Educator and Social Justice Advocate/Part-Time Screenwriter by Daphne Russell

Daphne Russell

Full-Time Educator and Social Justice Advocate/Part-Time Screenwriter

Hello Stage32 Community!

I'm new to this group, but because of you all, I've gotten enough positive feedback on my screenplay, The Book of Abel, that I feel confident reaching out to others. I'm looking for other like-minded people who may be using digital media to make a statement about decolonizing education, Black Lives Matter, equity in the publishing industry, equity in education, etc. I've dedicated my teaching career to these issues and I want to use digital media to shine the spotlight on all of much so that I obsessively learned how to write a screenplay in order to do so. I am sure there are more of you out there fighting the good fight so I wanted to reach out to say hi and let you know, you are not alone.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Daphne Russell! Great to meet you! Aw, man, you have to meet my friend Monique - she's getting her masters in Paris and looking to become a Journalist. I think you two would hit it off! Actually, you should also meet my new Stage32 connection Ricki who just pitched a script in the Writer's Room that tells me the two of you would work well together:

I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Tell me about yourself!

You should definitely check out the Writer's Room ( and the Screenwriting Lounge ( for some great conversations and insight.

Enjoy exploring, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too!

Daphne Russell

Thank you, Karen! Definitely followed all of your advice!

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