Screenwriting : Screenwriter Seeking Potential Literary Manager Representation by Luke Donnelly

Luke Donnelly

Screenwriter Seeking Potential Literary Manager Representation

Hello everyone, this will be my first post to a discussion lounge! I am looking for any advice, knowledge, or leads on whom to contact for Literary Managers that represent Screenwriters in Canada (or if Canadian screenwriters can be represented abroad by a Literary Manager residing in the United States)? Over the past three years, I have been testing the waters as a writer to gain feedback by placing in various film festivals and writing competitions globally for my work, and now I feel ready to start seeking a manager to represent myself. I began my search for Literary Managers in Canada a week ago, although the majority of the ones I have found reside in the United States. Just wondering what you would recommend in this circumstance? Any advice would mean the world to me!

Dan MaxXx

dont think where you live matters at this stage (plus there is a global pandemic). Ask your friends and peers for a referral, or do it the hard way and email query to who's who. There are lists of legit Reps, easy to obtain info. For example, search last year's Annual Black List best unproduced specs or Tracking Board winners- the names of Reps are publicly listed.

anyway, if there is heat (money offers) or a serious physical meeting to attend, you can book a flight to USA. In-bound flights are not banned.

Luke Donnelly

Hi Dan, hope all is well! Thank you for providing information and recommendations, it means a lot. I will take a look at the sites you suggested.

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