Introduce Yourself : Silence Unknown Callers by Edward Zeimis

Edward Zeimis

Silence Unknown Callers

It's "Introduce Yourself" weekend again! Wow, time flies! Seems like I was just here. Rather than dole out fruit that can be plucked from the vines of my bio or previous posts, I'll just share what's up these days of late. So...

I got the idea for a web series. It's called Day Drinkers. If you want to know what it's about you'll have to jump over and look at my loglines. That's right, I'm going to make you work for it! Hey, where's the little winkie emoticon when you need it?

Anyway, I've actually completed the nine-episode under-ten-pages-per-episode script(s) and will be producing it with Detroit locals hopefully early fall (or autumn if you prefer). In one of the episodes, a young woman gets up on stage in a bar and does a little a capella number (that's singing without music for those of you who don't know).

In the quest for the perfect song, I decided to write one...

Then I thought, why don't I record it?

And then I thought, hey, since I'm not a woman, why don't I start a band with a female lead vocalist and do a full production of the song.

And so I did.

As I was writing, I kept getting interrupted by spam calls, so I turned on the Silence Unknown Callers feature on my iPhone.

Hey, I thought. What a cool name for a band! And the rest, as they cliché, is history!

I now have a full album of songs mapped out, about 80% written, and the "not just an a capella anymore" song is being mixed and mastered and will be released this summer. Here, my fellow Stage 32ers, is a private link to the unmixed/unmastered demo with studio footage from around the globe!

So what have YOU done this spring? Ehem, where is that winkie emoticon thing again?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, there, Edward! Wow... I love this story of "Spiraling Productivity"! It's as if every step of curiosity just gave you another burst of energy to keep going - so cool!

Edward Zeimis

Thanks, Kay! Yeah, I kind of got carried away. :-) Just the other day I said in my head, "Oh, wait. I was working on a web series, wasn't I?"

Fortunately, the script is in that always-much-needed post-draft gestation period, so this song production is a wonderful break before returning with fresh eyes and continuing series development.

Stay tuned... to both stations, so to speak!!!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Awesome, I love it! It's like the productivity to keep your mind off of the anxiety of waiting on the other project - what a great idea!

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