David Chien's Genre Feature Screenwriting Lab (August 2021) : Dropping in by Tarra Kortekaas

Tarra Kortekaas

Dropping in

I just wanted to drop in and say, "Hello" to everyone! The other night was a great start, and I liked all the creativity we have in the class. I believe it's going to be an awesome adventure and I look forward to seeing everyone's stories evolve. Until next class, keep on writing!

Tarra Kortekaas

Oh, p.s., I figured out how to cut and paste in the CHAT box :)

James Welday

Hi Tarra, pleased to meet you, and happy writing!!

Tania Jeudy

Hi Tara & James! It’s a pleasure to meet you both!

James Welday

Pleasure to meet you also, Tania!

Sarah Teres

Hi! I feel like a dork for not knowing this was here all along!

Sarah Teres

Has anyone gotten sign ups or sign ins for tonight?

Other topics in David Chien's Genre Feature Screenwriting Lab (August 2021):

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