Introduce Yourself : Hey all. by Michael Keeling

Michael Keeling

Hey all.

Hi Everyone.

I'm not new, but having to create a new profile. I'm an Upcoming Fantasy/ Supernatural Horror Screenwriter born and raised in Nottingham UK.

I have learning disabilities such as Velo- Cardio Facial Syndrome which includes a lot of communication problems and also autism (Asperger's)

This past year I created a TV Series Idea based on one of my short films I wrote back in 2016, I made a teaser trailer for it in 2016 and it has now got over 21K Views and has won awards in several film festivals. I had a meeting with a producer yesterday who is interested in my series and I sent them my script and teaser trailer + Treatment Form and I'll hear back from them tomorrow :)

Please feel free for all those who followed me on my old account to connect with me on this one, till I get my old account back :)

Kind Regards,


J.M. Gulmire

New to me, because I'm new, so welcome! haha

Michael Keeling

This is my back up profile until I get my old account back lol, but thank you! J.M. Gulmire

J.M. Gulmire

Oh no, is there a stage 32 jail, like FB jail? hahah

Michael Keeling

I don't know! been struggling to get into my account for two weeks now. All of a sudden I couldn't login, not sure what I've done wrong though. That's the problem.. J.M. Gulmire

Ilan Breil

Michael keep plugging away and don't let any disabilities stop you from your craft. Use it to fuel your spirit

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