Introduce Yourself : Hello by Eric Soulas

Eric Soulas


Hi, Nice to connect with you, I am a French music composer and seek to work and collaborate with filmmakers, directors, production companies... in order to place or create original music on films, series, documentaries... I invite you if you wish to come and discover my new "Orchestral" page dedicated to my compositions for the image. I am open to all collaborations and discussions. Have a good day. Eric

Image par Anja de Pixabay Bright Light Blue Island The Great Crossing The Black Wizard Mermaids' Song The Rebels Iron Siege Image par Tharindu Nanayakkara de Pixabay Image par Ri Butov de Pixabay Mephisto
Shellie Schmals

Nice introduction Eric Soulas!! Thanks for sharing your website.

Sydney Summers

Hi, Eric! Welcome to the community, I am excited to have you here :-)

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