Your Stage : Invitation and announcement by Lynn Santer

Lynn Santer

Invitation and announcement

Super excited to have just received the official schedule for the glamorous and prestigious RED Movie Awards in the Opera House of the most beautiful city in France - Reims, where my film “Land of the Free: Out of the Shadows” is in competition for their big annual award. My Hollywood production partner and Emmy nominated director James Ganiere will be in attendance along with possibly two of my top London contacts/friends, Julie Hyde Mew (who is also the London agent for “Swan Song”, repped in Hollywood for the movie adaptation by Arnold Rudnick) and Maria Elliot Jones, publicist extraordinaire. The timing is perfect to screen this hard-hitting, truth bomb documentary that was filmed both overtly and covertly in South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, London and of course Australia, as the Bill to ban the imports of trophy hunting is once again making its passage through The House of Commons in London. Featuring Sir Roger Gale, President Seretse Khama, Dame Jane Goodall, Dame Virginia McKenna, Eduardo Gonçalves, Will Travers OBE, Priscilla Presley, Tippi Hedren, and many others including indigenous individuals in countries where the heinous and despicable trophy hunting industry still legally slaughters our most endangered species for pride, pleasure and profit. This is a must-see film, masterfully edited by Brian Rapsey, with award-winning original score and songs by Grammy nominated composer Mauritz Lotz and the inspirational Mzansi Youth Choir, with title track from Richard Loring’s international stage sensation, African Footprint. Narrated by the beautiful Kirstine Lumb-Mckay and in his last-ever screen appearance the late great Cliff Simon, better known as Lord Ba’al from Stargate SG-1.

If you are interested in attending May 10-11 please DM me.

Stacy Bannerman

I'll be there in spirit - although I wish I could be there in person for this remarkably powerful and critically important work. THANK YOU for this!!!!!!

Lynn Santer

Stacy Bannerman thank you so much xx

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