Success Stories: JUL'20 People I found on Stage 32

Jack Marchetti

People I found on Stage 32

I found Brian Levin through Stage 32, then saw his reel on vimeo. AFter that I had no need to search for another DP. Sarah Little who is an eager and young aspiring film maker and actress I found here as well. She'll be an invaluable asset if our Kickstarter works out. Her energy on a set will be truly helpful. For my Kickstarter video I had an idea of creating an animatic trailer, since the movie doesn't exist yet. Brian Hendrickson found my posting on Stage 32 and contacted me. He provided voice over for almost every role and in every role completely nailed it. I loved what he was able to do. Unfortunately the animatic didn't work out so we were unable to use the voice over work. That's just three people and I haven't really gone into pre-production on the film yet. If our Kickstarter works out, then I'll definitely be back here to round out the crew and cast. If you'd like to see our Kickstarter, you can find it here:

Richard "RB" Botto

Thanks for sharing this, Jack...Your story is nothing short of inspiring. I'm thrilled that Stage 32 has been able to play a small part in the progress of 4 of a Kind.

殷 宏新

Thank you add me , I hope we have more exchanges .

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