Anything Goes : The Fitzroy - 48hr film challenge by James Heath

James Heath

The Fitzroy - 48hr film challenge

Calling all writers, filmmakers, actors (and anyone who’s ever fancied making a film)! The Fitzroy is a feature film currently in development on Kickstarter ( - its a live action, black comedy feature film set in an alternative post-apocalyptic 1950s on a submarine hotel. Next weekend (8/9th Dec) we’ll be producing a short fan made film based around the world of ‘The Fitzroy’ feature film, we’ll have 48 hrs only to shoot and edit the final piece. The short will not appear in the finished feature film, however some of the characters may do and it could be based around a sub plot behind the scenes or even a mini prequel. The finished short will be part of the special edition DVD and will be premiered online on the 10th December. We want YOU to help us make this film! Helping us create the story and make the film in 48hrs by being part of the cast and crew. We’ll be setting tasks everyday throughout the week and we'll be look for cast and crew for all roles. Today we are looking for ideas for the story. We’ve come up with some of our own but we need your help in creating the last one. Get over to for more details and to find out the rules. Send your ideas through to Can’t wait to hear your ideas, and GOOD LUCK!

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