Anything Goes : This could be 'your' year... by Gregory A. Kiss

Gregory A. Kiss

This could be 'your' year...

happy new year to everyone on stage 32... hopefully every single one of us will 'live the dream' and do whatever it is we wish to do. good luck. greg

Johanna Marshall

No truer words were ever spoken.....Thank you Gregory.................Thousand fold to you too!

Gregory A. Kiss

thank-you Johanna. hope this Year is awesome for you & your family...

Gregory A. Kiss

Ryan, I hope you catch those dreams!!!

Julian Nabunya

thanks so much Gregory

Gregory A. Kiss

your so welcome Julian...

Pauletta Hickerson Actress

Thank You, Gregory I needed to hear that....God bless

Gregory A. Kiss

absolutely Pauletta!!! and thank-you, God bless you also...

Matt Milne

indeed, make it your best year yet. And remember, when life gives you lemons, beat the snot out of it.

Neil Jeffery

Thank you - I have started 2013 realising that my latest project requires a collaborator - all the very best to you and other Stage 32-ers for the new year

Gregory A. Kiss

Matt that was funny. and Neil, thank-you...

Renovatio Movies

All the BEST to everyone. Now go make movies! ツ

Gregory A. Kiss

well said!!!

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