Acting : Getting spotlight auditions without an agent by Nick Orchard

Nick Orchard

Getting spotlight auditions without an agent

Hi everyone, I have a question for all UK based actors. It is in connection with jobs advertised on spotlight, I am finding it increasingly difficult to get a look in, I'm aware of the fact that there are lots of spotlight actors, but is it the fact I dont have an agent that is holding me back? Do any of you guys get spotlight advertised work without the need for an actor? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Nick

Bhavnisha Parmar

Hi Nick, Unfortunately yes. Applications on spotlight will only be seriously considered if you have been submitted through an agent. If you go on Casting Call Pro (not sure whether you will have to pay for this or not), there will lists gathered every week on agents with their books open. Maybe you can contact one of those and see if they will represent you. Bhav

Simon Birks

There is a subscription to Casting call pro, but probably worth it.

Nick Orchard

Hi Bhavnisa Thank you for the info, so what is the process with an agent, would I apply for the castings or inform my agent of the ones I'm interested in? Thanks Simon, I'm actually already on Casting Call but didn't realise about the agents, I've been looking this evening :)

Bhavnisha Parmar

No worries Nick. Once you are represented by an agency they will put you forward for the roles they they think you will be able to get. You do not get a direct say in this as they will receive the breakdown on their system and then they will out you forward and wait back for a reply from the CD. But this is where you can tell whether an agent is working hard for you not. In this case you will not be applying for any of the spotlight auditions as they will be putting you forward on their behalf. If you do land a job they will take a usual rate of 20% from your final fee. With all agents I believe, but don't quote me on this one, you are able to go and find paid work any where else on your own. They will only take a cut of the work that they have found for you. You will be involved at the the point where you are asked to audition (your agent will send you the breakdown and ask you to confirm attendance etc). Check in with your agent every now and again but make sure you do not hound constantly about what jobs you have been put forward for. I have learnt that it is a nice balance of trust that you have with. Also, one biggest piece of advice I was given over and over by many people, many on his site too and have seen very much for myself; an agent is no guarantee for high paid work or big projects. A lot of work that I have got has been through own contact building when on a low paid on even non paid job that then has led to better work. The agents will be able to get you into the bigger auditions but that is not where the work is always going to be at. I have started an excel database since the day I started in the creative industry of everyone I have met and much of my work has been with them again and again. Info overload I know, apologies! Hope this helps, happy days! Bhav

Nick Orchard

Ha, Not information overload at all :) If it wasn't for generous people like yourself willing to share their experiences, then the likes of me would never learn these things! I am preparing CV, cover letters etc to approach some agents with and see where I go from there! I really appreciate you taking the time to explain things. I hope you are getting lots of work :) Nick

Bhavnisha Parmar

No worries Nick. Totally agree with you! Sounds like you are all on the right track. Sharing is caring as they say. That's why I love this site, everybody is very giving. Good luck with it all! Drop me a message is any other questions do pop up. :)

Bhavnisha Parmar

my grammar is appalling this morning.. *if

Nick Orchard


Andrew Mondia

I have gotten auditions through spotlight and booked a gig that way. Though most seem to be seen on by those with agents. Though if people come together as after all we are paying for a service. All breakdowns should be seen by actors that fit them. It should not matter whether one is represented or not. You pay to be on Spotlight. (rather costly too)

Nick Orchard

I know what you're saying Andrew and in an ideal world that would be the case..... But unfortunately it's not :(

Andrew Mondia

Nick.. It can be possible but whether people are willing to band together is another story.

Andrew Mondia

Ps. Look at history where at one time it may not have been possible.

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