Introduce Yourself : Family by Jimmie Nelson

Jimmie Nelson


Hello fam, I'm Jimmie Nelson. Look forward to meeting and working with as many of you as possible. Each and everyone of us is God willing and gifted to make our goals and dreams flourish throughout the world. BE YOUR NEXT JOB. We all have to survive and in survival we must work jobs we don't fancy until we succeed and the doors open wide with the wants of success we long for each and every day. I know each and everyone of you will make it if you stick to it and have a undying passionate will and mindset that the only way to fail at what you want is when our name is called to transpire into the afterlife and we are no longer set to be here on Earth. Until that time we all must unite together to help each other make our dreams a reality. Any way, shape or form I can be a help and of service to any of you please feel free to contact me directly or by email. My current project as of now is titled HOOKED, a new series that is currently in the developmental stages. We have a pilot script already done, most of our main cast is on board, but we have so many roles both in front of the camera and behind the camera that our calling on you to join this television show that is sure to be a Emmy winner and spark the careers of all involved. We are building a family unit thus far and want as many and all of you to join us as we build this project. If you have any question and/or interested in making a triumphant preeminent show contact me ASAP. much love and God bless to all! Email: cell: (321) 279-8971

Antonio Ingram

Well said man. best of luck to you and your project Jimmie.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great post, Jimmie. Spot on, my friend.

Jonathan Kramer

Very cool Jimmie.. will drop you a line about our project in development, "Changing Keys"

Jimmie Nelson

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome. Mr. Kramer look forward to hearing from you would love to work with you friend!

Jimmie Nelson

Thank you Mr. Art! Would love to have you and your team unite with us and hop on board so we can all be recognized for our passion and work together. I'm going to check out your web site right now.

Jimmie Nelson

I tried to go on it, but it wasn't showing anything

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