Introduce Yourself : Meet Mr. Green... by Kevin M Green

Kevin M Green

Meet Mr. Green...

Hello everyone. My name is Kevin M. Green and I am an author and cartoonist from Virginia. Writing and cartoons have been, still is and always will be a passion of mine. I was introduced to by a friend and so far, it's been a pleasure to meet so many people already that have the same passion for the arts as I do. I'm looking forward to meeting more folks here and networking/collaborating with you all. For writing, I am very creative and think outside the box. For art, I am an excellent character designer. Feel free to check out my website and facebook page as well as my current project on here. My vision is to get my main project (Ultima Force) turned into an animated series for television and/or the big screen with the right talented people. So anyone in animation, producers, scriptwriters, actors/actresses, etc. feel free to drop me a line. Always open to collaboration. Best regards,KMG

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