Anything Goes : Discouragement; An unnecessary character flaw! by David Wayne Smart

David Wayne Smart

Discouragement; An unnecessary character flaw!

Expectations, a trait that attacks through self harm. How high should a person in our field set our expectations or should I say how low. By setting expectations, I am putting reliance on another and expecting they do things the way I would. When in reality shite happens and I have no control over it. What I do have control over is how I react to a situation that brings me down, because of my expectations. Realize, if I want happiness, don't set any expectations. HA!


Well said. I set my expectations low for everything I do. That way, I don't get disappointed. Although, it might be different for working standards. Things like professionalism, organization and timely manners are just standards I hold other people to when I work with them, and if they don't hold up. Then I move on. But going back to your point, it's just like the equation event + response= outcome. Thanks for the post! Gotta remember this :)

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