Screenwriting : TV pilot : how & where do you start help!!! by Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

TV pilot : how & where do you start help!!!

I'm writing a super natural series script and i have some of my plot I also do have the back story I have no idea where nor how to start some one please help!!! thanks JC

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

I don't know yet

Cherie Grant

Do a course or buy some books from Amazon.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

I've taken screen writing 1&2 but I never was taught how to write a pilot only a feature film...

William Martell

Read a stack of pilot scripts (there are some online). That will give you an idea of page count, how characters and series arc plots are set up, etc.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

what site do I go to William

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

I don't know yet Chip I don't wanna give a lot away...

William Martell

If you took as much time to google "TV pilot script downloads" as you did to ask the question...

Domingo Claudio

Write a TV Bible and treatment to prepare before writing

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

are you trying to be a smart ass or something

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

^^^ William....

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

okay Domingo how would I start???

Carlos Pena

Janelle, start your Series bible with your Hero, then the Antagonist, then any supporting cast. Write a logline for your series, a brief summary of what it's about. When you can jot down everything from a summary to a brief bio on each one of your characters then you should move to outline the pilot. Your pilot should be about 60 pages, give or take. If you have more questions, hit me up. I just finished writing my pilot and went through all of this. So we could bounce ideas off each other if you like.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Okay have my email hit me on there too

Danny Manus

Janelle, William is not only a professional you should heed advice from, But he's also RIGHT. It would take far less time to Google 'How to Write a TV Pilot' then post on here. There are a few great books out there you can read, read a ton of pilots - which you can also find by googling "downloadable TV scripts", figure out what kind of story you want to tell, and do the legwork. He wasn't being a smart ass, he was being honest. Btw, your original post is littered with so many typos and non-words, it's barely English. Also not being a smart ass, just being honest...

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

maybe if he would of just said try googling it maybe would've sound like he was a dick #ijs

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams


Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

I know that was just a dick move #ijs

Cherie Grant

And this is why I didn't bother helping her. I can spot her type the moment she posts.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Okay everyone who is talking crap (shit) about my spelling at the moment I was at work so lay the f off I ain't got to explain my damn self .... Got it off my chest and thank you to the people who did help me

Danny Manus

you sound really defensive and quite frankly, you insult people without even knowing who they are. you're the kind of person who never makes it bc no one wants to work with you. hope u change your attitude if you're trying to break in.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Nobody should come at me without knowing me I understand your trying to tell me something but you can't talk to people in any kind of way

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Just don't talk to me like I'm an idiot I here and I'm ready to learn #thatisall

Danny Manus

if you're ready to learn, then stop being so defensive. If you think execs or agents are going to be sweet and nice, you're going to have a hard time.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Thank you I may be coming off a lil uneasy but can you blame me

Mark Ervin

I have experience writing television spec and pilot scripts. Let me know how I can help.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Okay thank you

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Hey Janelle: I would begin by outlining your pilot episode. If you think of your story in terms of three acts, that would be a good start. Each page of screenplay that you write is equal to approximately 1 minute of screen time. So if you have it in mind to write a one hour pilot, it should be about 60 pages. The first screenplay I wrote was a one hour gangster drama. In designing that story, I wanted to grab the reader in the first few pages. So I had a bulldozer unearth a Rolls Royce from a landfill that belonged to a missing hotel magnate. From there, I introduced the main characters (protagonist, antagonist) and supporting characters through action sequences that showcased their characteristics and setup the conflicts and obstacles for the main characters. Here is a great summary of setting up your structure: ACTS Acts are the major movements of the story. Screenplays are typically written using a three-act structure. Each act climaxes with a major plot point indicating a turning point in the story. The goal of each act is as follows: • Act l - sets up the story by establishing all the key story elements, including characters, inner motivation, outer motivation, and major conflicts. • Act II - develops the primary confrontations by introducing obstacles and complications for the protagonist, who is forced to take action. • Act III - leads to the climax and resolution of the story. Hope that helps.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Thanks Phillip

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Janelle: You bet!

Cherie Grant

gee Alle, assume much? I'm not very new and inexperienced. I've been at it a few years now. i might be slow and had many hindrances in life, but I'm not fresh off the boat. please don't publicly announce who and what I am.

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

everybody seems assume when they don't know any one you still can't talk to people in just any type of way how do you think they are going to take it and for your info alle I am ready to learn don't assume things I asked a question get an answer and them go from there that's what a was taught I learned from my film professor Mr. Greg Anderson...he always said nothing a stupid question

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

and I've also written plays a short film I'm in the middle of finishing another and writing a book I just haven't done anything with it yet... they always say if you don't know something ask a question...

Janelle Cashmire Cowling-Williams

Sometimes its not really what you say its how you say it... And sometimes its what you say and not how you say it #ijs

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