Lora-Ellen McKinney

Lora-Ellen McKinney

Founder and Executive Director at Cedar River Creative Productions

Renton, Washington

Member Since:
June 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Lora-Ellen

Lora-Ellen McKinney is an award-winning author whose best known works detail African American faith and Baptist tenets. As a psychologist, she wrote the first book about developmental challenges for children exposed to drugs and alcohol.

God or a convincing stand-in recently told Lora-Ellen that she could switch genres so she has been writing rather scandalous scripts and doing occasional solo performances.

Unique traits: Tall, thin, funny river walking dog mom dancer and gourmet vegan cook.




  • Old Lady Dilemmas

    Old Lady Dilemmas Drama Finding her mobility challenged by desert-dry vaginal walls, a beautiful, single, biracial, binational, and bicultural classical pianist who looks much younger than her 50 years, must choose to acknowledge the signs that her body’s age is catching up to her birth certificate and consider what this means for her career, relationships and self-acceptance. 


  • Best Scene Reading (Old Lady Dilemmas) WILDsound Festival

  • Best Logline Drama (Touched), WILDsound Festival

  • Official Selection, Best First Ten Pages, Film and Script Showcase

  • Semifinalist, WEScreenplay Diverse Voices, TV Pilot

  • WILDsound Writing and Film Logline Pitch contest (Old Lady Dilemmas)

  • Winner, TV Pilot Pitch for Old Lady Dilemmas, WILDsound Festival

  • Best Feature Film Logline, WILDsound Festival

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