Virginia Alexander

Virginia Alexander

Art Department Coordinator, Makeup Artist, Performance Coach and Production Coordinator

Palm Beach, Florida

Member Since:
February 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Virginia

I am a Production Professional, Talent Coach with over 20 years of active experience working on sets. I have worked hand in hand with Ad Agencies, Producers, Agents, Casting Directors & most importantly TALENT for Motion Picture,Television & Photography.

What I Do:

Individual and Talent Workshops to be “Set Ready” Motivation, Wardrobe, Makeup and Hair.
I train Talent/Actors to be “Set Ready” for Castings, Auditions & Photo Shoots. I share my knowledge so Talent can walk on any set with confidence!

My Weekend Intensive Workshops:

Makeup: How to do your making for the lighting, what colors and techniques
Hair: how it should be styled, what constitutes Set Ready Hair
Wardrobe: What colors work on camera and what to stay away from
The Players: so you know who your talking to,report to etc.

To book an appointment please contact Virginia
Phone: 561-886-7448


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