Vincent M. Dominguez

Vincent M. Dominguez

Actor, Assistant Director, Location Scout and Other

Austin, Texas

Member Since:
February 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Vincent

I've been involved in the film industry since 2001 as a law enforcement technical advisor. I just recently started getting more involved behind the camera as well as in front of the camera. I have had the honor to work with a great director by the name of Alan Ray from Dream Walker Pictures. He has shown me what it is to be a true friend and has taught me a tremendous amount about filmmaking. I believe in my talent as well as the talent of Alan and I know that whatever project we work on it will excel and be a success due to our work ethic.



  • Shadow44

    Shadow44 (2013)
    Film (short) by Dreamwalker Pictures/ Alan Ray Associate Producer, Camera, Sound, Location Scout, Special FX

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