Terry Moloney

Terry Moloney

Director, Producer and Screenwriter

Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles County, California

Member Since:
February 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Terry

I am an award-winning Writer-Producer-Director with tremendous depth of experience, having filmed all over the world producing and directing shoots budgeted from $5,000 to
$3 million. I run my own successful production company, Proletariat Filmworks, and prior to that, I was an in-house Creative Director at Disney and Warner Bros., where I led large teams. I've written, produced and directed in all genres and in all media, including several major documentary films, TV commercials and programs, promos, infomercials, feature and corporate film and web content. I've also worked with a wide range of celebrities, having directed projects starring Sean Penn, Paris Hilton, Newt Gingrich, Neve Campbell, Ted Danson, Christy Turlington, Keifer Sutherland, Michael Chiklis, Elle Macpherson, Jason Patric, Angie Dickenson, Randy Couture, Ozzie Ozbourne, Mario Andretti, and dozens of Muppets, to name but a few. I consider myself a highly-stylized, visually informed Producer/Director, and an expert when it comes to working with and directing celebrities and difficult personalities -- especially on tight budgets and single-day shoots.

Select samples of my work are online at: -- and -- at: . Everything you'll see on those links I produced and directed. While I am a member of the Directors Guild of America, I can work as an independent hire as well.




  • Over 300 projects Produced and Directed

    Over 300 projects Produced and Directed


  • Over 60 US and International Awards for Filmmaking

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