Kristen Lani Tatum

Kristen Lani Tatum

Crafty, Narrator and Model Maker

Houston, Texas

Member Since:
December 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Kristen

I honestly don’t even know where to start…. I just turned… old as fuck, (am I allowed to cuss?, I’ll try not to anymore, until I hear back from someone) I have 3 kids; 21, 18, & 17. They are so perfect, seriously, genuinely… I know a lot of mothers say this, but literally, they keep me alive…. if it wasn’t for them I probably wouldn’t be able to laugh at the cloud that rains shit upon my head 45 hours a day, 10 days a week and I’m not saying I live for them, I’m saying they love me so much that bring me towels to wipe my eyes so I can see and appreciate how the sun shines no matter how dark things seem, and then, just like good little victims of a traumatic childhood they help me make jokes and pretend like we’re on Sesame Street….now a brief backstory before y’all call cps


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