Micah Brocker

Micah Brocker

Literary Manager Assistant at Corvisiero Agency
Screenwriter and Agency Assistant

Seattle, Washington

Member Since:
January 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Micah

Micah Brocker spent the last 5 years in the business world helping entrepreneurs and artists fulfill the financial and legal knowledge needed to succeed. It’s been her lifelong dream to foster careers for all artists, in particular authors and screenwriters, which she hopes to do while gaining a deeper understanding of the publishing and film world at Corvisiero Agency.

She is interested in YA contemporary stories that deal with messy relationships and issues that can help young adults put words to their experiences. Also in YA, sci-fi and urban fantasy that provide an escape while still helping us to connect to the everyday troubles of growing up. In adult fiction she loves women’s fiction that deals with burdensome secrets, messy relationships, and a character with a deep desire to change their life, the world etc. especially with a psychological, sci-fi or romantic twist!


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