Emil Soliman

Emil Soliman


Spanish Fork, Utah, EE. UU.

Member Since:
March 2024
Last online:
1 day ago
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About Emil

Certainly, here's a revised version of the text tailored for your profile:



I'm Emil Soliman, a filmmaker with a passion for storytelling. My latest project, "Beyond the Five Senses," explores the journey of a young prodigy blessed with the ability to foresee future events. I strongly believe in cinema's ability to inspire and connect audiences, and I'm currently seeking funding to bring this compelling story to life on the big screen.

Attached is a summary of the project, and I'm open to discussing it further. I'm grateful for your consideration and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with NEA to turn this vision into reality.

Warm regards,
Emil Soliman



  •  'Beyond The Five Senses

    'Beyond The Five Senses Budget: $1M - $5M | Mystery Fantasy  "Beyond the Five Senses": "When Emil, a young prodigy from Aswan gifted with the ability to foresee the future, uncovers a prophecy threatening global security, he must confront his destiny and unravel the connection of his gifts to the legacy of the Egyptian pharaohs, all while facing the disbelief and skepticism of the world around him."

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