I am a political student, yet I have a great passion for writing. I have experience in writing books as well. My books 'Anxiety Exposed' and 'Winning in Chess' although short, became the best sellers of Herat City's local book market in 2021. I have been writing stories since I was 5 years old. I started with comedy, and shifted to horror and suspense. I have complete understanding of Persian and English languages, and partial understanding of Urdu and Turkish languages.
Note: I am openly looking for an agent to have my Taste Volume, Four Psychological Horror (Crime Horror) and Suspense movies sold, as well as my TV series, Zealot.
Unique traits: I once wrote a 100,000 word (meaning-full) book in 5 days/ I have written many movies, and I recently realized I can actually sell them/ /Writing is my favorite hobby. But in fact, I am a politician and political student. I believe after graduating I will be the person that can get Afghanistan out of the mess it is currently in/ I once run for 15 hours with only one short break in the middle/ I speak 4 languages/ I can bench ~310 pounds/ I am a professional chess player/ I can stay on my feet all day, but my girlfriend says that's technically not true/ WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST REGRET: During Afghanistan's republic, I got a fully-funded scholarship to University of Berlin. But I rejected it and said it is not good enough.
Taste 1, the Genesis Horror Drowning in debt and running out of options, a struggling businessman convinces his fiancée and closest friends to join a high-risk criminal trade. But as greed and fear take hold, trust shatters, and the greatest threat isn’t the law—it’s each other.