Menelaos Gkikas

Menelaos Gkikas

Author and Screenwriter

Athens, Greece

Member Since:
May 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Menelaos

Writer, Digital Marketing Specialist, AI Scientist, Transformational Leader & Upcoming Developer

I studied Industrial Management and Technology at the University of Piraeus, and I continued my studies with an MBA specializing in Marketing, at City University of Seattle. I attended Public Relations Seminars at the Hellenic American Union. I am a Michigan Proficiency holder and my first book was entitled “Mathematical Models”. My quests and concerns have led me to literature and social networking. I have my own blogs on the internet, a Writing Forum about Art and Fantasy entitled “Writer’s PlayBook”, and I have attended seminars on Creative Writing, Screenwriting as well as topics related to Social Media, Digital Content, Communication and Conflict Management. I am active in the area of Social Networking on Social Media and Digital Marketing, and I daily develop my own Creative Portfolio. I have creative experience in Business Game Simulations and I am data-driven. I also deeply believe in lifelong learning.

In 2018, I got a complete certification from Google Digital Garage in Digital Marketing. Following that in 2020, I attended Google Web Academy in another two areas such as YouTube Creators and Google Analytics. I have self-published a romantic drama screenplay entitled The Words of Emily Logan in September 2019, in Greece, and the fairytale fantasy entitled When Magic Truly Happens is my second creative writing effort. In 2021, I completed online lessons in Elements of AI from the University of Helsinki and IBM AI Learning. In the fall of 2021 I have completed online lessons in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) at the platform.

In 2022 I completed and got certified by a Start-Up course by Aalto University in the Greater Helsinki area through the MinnaLearn platform online, I got a certification in Fiction Literature by ACTA (techno-sprout of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) through the Skillbox digital platform and currently I have been studying online in terms of Screenwriting & The Entertainment Industry through ScreenCraft e-Courses.

In the end of 2022 I enrolled at the Kapodistrian University of Athens, relevant with an advanced program of 200 hours in problem solving with AI and advanced algorithms of estimation including mathematical programming in MATLAB & Octave. I continue with education in Stanford Online and DeepLearning.AI through the Coursera platform in Machine Learning Specialization and I also attend classes in DataCamp relevant with programming in Python including lessons in Quantum Computing from a well-established professor in Udemy. I also continued my creative writing education in Industrial Scripts studying Screenwriting followed by world-class creative education in MasterClass by Neil deGrasse Tyson in Scientific Thinking & Communication, David Mamet in Dramatic Writing, Aaron Sorkin in Screenwriting, Richard Branson in Disruptive Entrepreneurship and Margaret Atwood in Creative Writing.



  • The Greek Mathematical Company
    3rd Award at National Competition in Mathematics
    19th of February 1995

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