Mike Gold

Mike Gold

Screenwriter and Story Analyst

Vista, California

Member Since:
June 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Mike

Professionally more than 20 years in broadcast TV/radio news writing and producing. Currently photojournalist with KGTV 10News in San Diego.

As a Story Analyst, I love to read what others have written. I find it challenging to get out of my own head, attempt to see the story through their vision and give back something valuable to build on.

I write because of a cathartic need to give something valuable to the present that can be left behind for the future. My stories come from funny, emotional and quirky experiences of everyday families and friends trying to get through this crazy world together where the struggle for love and happiness is the biggest villain. My hope is anyone who reads, watches or experiences anything I’ve written will take away something beautiful for themselves and their loved ones.




  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day Comedy Family A struggling TV news photographer must escape huge breaking news to get his wife to their daughter’s college graduation and save her from a loser boyfriend.

  • Recovering Christmas

    Recovering Christmas Family A middle-aged techie chained to his business helps a wounded vet recover a mysterious love story off a dead hard drive he meant as a Christmas present, forcing both men to face change they fear.

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