Member Since:
August 2013
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About Eve

Eve Morton hails from Lincoln, Nebraska, the heartland of the country. The daughter of Ward and June Cleaver-like parents, she found escape from the mundane life of a child in the Midwest during the 80s through the films of Steven Spielberg and James Cameron. Inspired to become the minority as a female science fiction screenwriter, she dedicated herself to learning the rules and structure that science fiction films, as well as, other genres, are based on. To this end, she earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Metropolitan State University of Denver and an MFA in Creative Writing with an emphasis in screenwriting from Goddard College. Her job as a second shift proofreader allows her, during down times, to write, so she carts her laptop back and forth between home and work each day. Her screenplay, Almost Genesis, about a teenager searching for the truth of his existence, a girl who’s never been free of a prison she calls home, and a deranged scientist out for blood, literally, was crafted while working full time and attending graduate school as a full-time student. Eve has also completed a psychological thriller which revolves around a serial killer with a strange obsession for oranges. She's in the process of crafting a third screenplay set in a dystopian world quite unlike ours where humans are out surviving the Earth.

Eve Morton lives in Denver, Colorado.



  • Almost Genesis

    Almost Genesis Action Sci-fi A teenager with super-human healing abilities is forced on the run after witnessing his dad killed on orders given by a psychotic germaphobe geneticist, who may be the the only link to the teen's existence.


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