Member Since:
November 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Nico

I have been acting for the last few years. I just completed a short film that will hit the film festival circuit soon. You can check out all my work on - Nico Ramos

Unique traits: I am very comfortable with comic roles however, I can play serious roles too. I can read and memorize scripts easy.



  • TSA Commercial

    TSA Commercial (2014)
    Commercial by Republic Content Mobster

  • The Christmas Mish Mash

    The Christmas Mish Mash (2013)
    Theater by Cool Blue Talent Jacob

  • Little Dogs Movie

    Little Dogs Movie (2013)
    Film (short) by Thomas Mark Hammel Productions Kevin Smith

  • Little Red Riding Hood

    Little Red Riding Hood (2012)
    Theater by Missoula Children's Theater Woodsmen

  • Make Me a Star

    Make Me a Star (2012)
    Commercial by Vegas Kids, TV Dancer

  • Pump it up Commercial

    Pump it up Commercial (2012)
    Commercial by Vegas Kids, TV Anchor

  • The Secret Garden

    The Secret Garden
    Theater by Missoula Children's Theater Dickon

  • King Arthur Quest

    King Arthur Quest
    Theater by Missoula Children's Theater Modrid

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