
Houston, Texas

Member Since:
December 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About NEAL




    SECOND HAND ROSE Drama SECOND HAND ROSE A homeless woman is befriended by musicians and working class locals. New Orleans and the French quarter, best known for its great jazz and good groceries. Its streets are home for some of America’s most colorful lost souls, like the old black man that wonders the street’s wearing a paper chicken suit. It’s an open air insane asylum filled with homeless alcoholics, druggies and drop outs. To most they’re just a part of the atmosphere. Second Hand Rose ambles through the crowds on bourbon street babbling words that no one hears. Pushed aside by and irrelevant to the movers and shakers that come to party on the streets that she calls home.

  • Dumpster Diver Down

    Dumpster Diver Down Action Comedy Fantasy Dumpster Diver Down A fallen from grace/has-been Rock Star, in his own words “Get’s buy ok” combing the dumpsters of his West Hollywood dig’s       


    RUBBER CHICKENS Comedy RUBBER CHICKENS Romance, Comedy and Mayhem, at the Swap Meet! A romantic comedy set in the colorful Flea Market atmosphere. Outrageous comedy and a zany cast of charters explore it’s inner workings and social-misbehaving’s. Two rival Rubber Chicken venders clash as they compete for the same girl. Meanwhile a carnival of characters pursues a priceless diamond necklace that has dissolved into the soup of the daily “FLEA MARKET MADNESS”!

  • Barney and the Love Dog

    Barney and the Love Dog Action Comedy Barney and the Love Dog A con-man and a cash sniffing Labrador retriever execute a series of high profile burglaries that attracts the attention of both the law and a colorful assortment of underworld figures. Writers Guild #664187

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