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By Daniel Berghoff

GENRE: Thriller

A personal look at the actual life of Nostradamus and his son Ceasar reveals that a French modern day scientist is his direct descendant seed,with the power to bring closure to the Nostradamus legacy while saving the world from destruction.


A mysterious French astrologer with amazing mental powers sets out on a mission to complete the legacy of his ancestor Nostradamus after discovering letters and periodicals saved for him by Caesar, the son of Nostradamus.

During his adventure he uncovers the secrets and truths behind the Nostradamus Prophecies and their meanings, and sets out to put them in a book to expose them and their purpose to help in his upcoming battle against two powerful elite rival secret societies who are planning World War III to instigate their plan to conquer the world.

As the story progresses the mentally gifted descendant befriends a unique psychic, a beautiful college student sought out by assassins, and a private eye who happens to be a dead eye marksman. Together they battle powerful evil men to save mankind from earth’s destruction.

As one Nostradamus revelation after another is scrutinized, and other human historical mysteries exposed at a frenzied pace, pieces of the puzzle to human evolution come together for a final truth that may overcome our own human mortality.


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