Swiss-Indian film-maker living in Bombay and Berlin and Switzerland...
Completing Curry Western, an English speaking feature dark comedy set in India for a western release in 2018. Bumbai Bird, an Hindi feature film co-produced between India and Switzerland, has started his festival career at this time. The latest feature documentary, Millions Can Walk, co-directed with Christophe Schaub, about the Yan Satagraya March, which saw 100’000 landless Indian farmers marching for their rights has been distributed across cinemas in Europe (Best Documentary, Stuttgart Film Festival). Also preparing a new project, Teresa & Kavita, an epic dual story, both contemporary, based on the life of Mother Teresa. My Swiss company, Les Films du Lotus Sàrl, is developing three feature films in coproduction with his Indian company Curry Western Productions Pvt Ltd.
Unique traits: Producing Indian content for western taste
Curry Western
by Curry Western/Kamal Musale
Black comedy about property.