BSChE, MEIE, two years fine arts school. Married. Retired.
Five year roommate NYC with Robert F. Colesberry(producer for "Mississippi Burning", "The Natural", "After Hours", and many more excellent films). I Read screenplays for him and he taught me film.
Have written five screenplays several times each. First screenplay, "Prairie Chitlins", a western comedy, optioned twice.
Latest sci-fi screenplay previously titled "White Hole" was a quarter finalist in the 2012 Pulsar Screenwriting Contest. The latest version, renamed "The Trashman", is a vastly superior untested rewrite.
Unique traits: Three arms(just kidding), genius(true) but aren't we all?
The Trashman Sci-fi In 2047, when an aging hotshot low orbit debris sweeper discovers a mysterious ancient artifact circling the earth, suddenly humanity's fate is in the balance... and so is his.