Adèle Jayne Harris

Adèle Jayne Harris

Peer Productions
Actor, Camera Operator and Singer

Stafford, United Kingdom

Member Since:
July 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Adèle

Adèle is a young performer who aspires to succeed in the world of the West End stage. Currently, Adèle's initial goal is to be accepted to drama school to study an Acting degree, in order to obtain the training that she feels will further her in the performing arts industry. She is passionate about Musical Theatre but feels this is something that she may pursue following Actor training.

Over the past year, Adèle has been working as an apprentice actor for touring theatre company, Peer Productions. As well as providing Adèle with some actor training, Peer Productions gives Adèle many other opportunities, including access to film-making facilities and performing TIE on a daily basis. Adèle has toured 3 TIE plays with Peer Productions in this academic year. These are: The Teenage Pregnancy Project, The Body Image Project and The Addictions Project.

Adèle is also working on her own project at present, which involves writing a song (Wasted Tears) and filming a music video to accompany it. Over the course of this next year Adèle is looking to expand on her recent music project and hopefully begin writing her own album to launch herself as a singer/songwriter, as well as an accomplished actress.

Determined, professional and enthusiastic are three words that Adèle feels strongly define her as an individual. She tries her best to look at each day with a positive mental attitude and she is committed to everything that she does. Adèle enjoys taking on new challenges and meeting new people. She will throw herself wholeheartedly into whatever is asked of her and feels that working in a collaborative environment is of massive importance. She would describe herself as a key team player and she is organised and hardworking. She is friendly and approachable and tries her best to bring other people's spirits and energy up as well as her own. Adèle is dedicated to pushing herself to getting the best out of what she has, in order to one day get to where it is that she wants to be.


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