adam b sutton

adam b sutton

Director and Producer

Tampa, Florida

Member Since:
August 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About adam

Adam B. Sutton has been Writing, Directing and Producing videos for over a decade. He has created over 20 national TV commercials, winning national advertising awards on over a dozen of them as well as created countless corporate and non-profit videos. Adam is the Creative Director for Red Letter Studios and is also available for freelance work.

He regularly works with companies across the country including; national franchises, international retailers, new venture start-ups as well as smaller locally owned businesses. He likes to provide a personal touch when dealing with clients, catering each project to their and their customers specific needs.

He enjoys mixing human emotion to help drive points home, as well as comedy when appropriate. He is a perfectionist when time permits and a workhorse when time demands and he can take any project from Concept to Development to Completion.




  • Created over 20 National TV Commercials

    Created over 20 National TV Commercials (2011)
    by Red Letter Studios Director / Producer


  • Have won over a dozen national R.A.E. Awards

  • Telly Award - National TV Commercial

  • Telly Award - Online VIdeo (Music Video)

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