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By Nicholas Boving

GENRE: Sci-fi
LOGLINE: "They fled from Earth to preserve the human race.
 Now they're back, and Earth is dictating the terms."


The asteroid came in like the wrath of God, or maybe the wrath of Mother Earth, and the slate, five billion years of evolution, is wiped clean. Well, almost. One spaceship made it. Most of its crew didn’t. Five hundred years is a long time in cryo-stasis. And now they’ve come home, back to Earth that doesn’t want them. Five hundred years later, in the dark cold reaches of space beyond the orbit of Mars the ship answers a recall, and wakes. So does the crew, or what’s left of them, scientist, ships officers and Marines, and they aren’t amused. It was supposed to be an eight month cryo-stasis experiment - or was it? The ship homes in on Earth, lands in a sudden, god-awful storm, and they find themselves in a world unlike anything they've ever known, and they are not alone. Stranded aliens, a hostile land, and the few survivors from the holocaust long devolved into cannibalistic savages. Six of them remain: three men and three women, to set off across the barrens in the hope of finding others. On another part of Earth a wildman holds a branch. He lifts it as a weapon. The smouldering end burst into flame. He has a weapon. Fire. Other wildmen back off. They scatter. He roars his triumph and superiority. ZOOM OUT. FAR OUT. Earth recedes. We pass the inner planets. We pass the outer planets. The sun diminishes, until we are in the cold blackness of deep space beyond our Solar System. And then ... A huge asteroid tumbles silently past... FADE TO BLACK


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