Roy Krymis

Roy Krymis

CEO at RK Films
Producer, Actor, Screenwriter, Production Assistant, Videographer and Researcher

Dallas, Texas

Member Since:
October 2014
Last online:
1 day ago
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About Roy

Live in Texas, but travel to L.A. regularly. Graduate of The University of Michigan and Michigan State University. As Executive Producer, recently concluded production documentary in Texas about animal rescue called "Sustaining the Creatures." This is my 2nd documentary, 1st one done several years ago in Texas called "The Heart and Soul of Animal Rescue." Wrote a sci fi screenplay "Zone A: Attack of the Ghosts of Elam". Have worked on a couple of short films as well, a competition film in Louisiana, the other a dark comedy in
Los Angeles. As of August 2020, I am working as a Research Consultant for L'Orage Productions in NYC, an upcoming documentary
called "Let Them Eat Geese."
Open to collaborative efforts with other filmmakers!



  • Zone A:  Attack of the Ghosts of Elam

    Zone A: Attack of the Ghosts of Elam Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi A mysterious force descends upon a library to exact revenge for a stolen relic from an ancient Biblical civilization.  It is up to an unlikely group of heroes to save mankind.


  • Sustaining the Creatures

    Sustaining the Creatures (2017 - 2018)
    Documentary by KHAS/David Howard Executive Producer/Videographer Interviews & discussion from several animal rescues/sanctuaries in Texas providing information on what it takes to become successful and sustaining.

  • Hollywood or Bust

    Hollywood or Bust (2016)
    Television by Jacov Bresler (Comedy) Associate Producer Satire dark comedy TV series filmed in Los Angeles.

  • La Roux

    La Roux (2013)
    Film (short) by Crazy Dreamer Productions/Giovanna Salas Director Producer and Actor

  • Heart and Soul of Animal Rescue

    Heart and Soul of Animal Rescue (2012)
    Documentary by Spinners End Media/AJ Womack Director (Documentary) Executive Producer Discussion of animal rescue in Texas, posing the question do we rescue animals or do they rescue us?


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