Alissa Shaye HAle

Alissa Shaye HAle


Atlanta, Georgia

Member Since:
January 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Alissa

Alissa Shaye Hale was born in Montgomery, Alabama. From a very early age, she loved performing and entertaining her family and friends. She started dance school at the age of three and quickly showed her ability to learn different dance routines. Recognizing her grace and balancing ability, her dance instructor recommended that she enroll in a gymnastics school. Alissa started training in the gym at age four and she spent the next twelve years rising through the competitive levels. Aspiring to be a collegiate gymnast, her dreams came to an abrupt halt due to a knee injury. Not wanting to leave the sport, she became a coach and is now passing on her love for gymnastics to the next generation.

During this time, her passion for acting and modeling was growing. Not scared to take a chance, she submitted her information to Tyler Perry Studio for and extra role and received a call back within an hour. Tremendously excited, she and her mother loaded up the car and headed out for Atlanta. The experience was over the top, Mr. Perry and his staff could not have made her introduction to the entertainment business more powerful.


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