Jayme Elkins

Jayme Elkins

Music Composer and Musician

London, England

Member Since:
March 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jayme

I always liked the idea of writing soundtracks, I used to sit and watch movies thinking about how the music pulled you in different directions whilst you were totally unaware it was happening. The story unfolding, encompassing your eyes whilst your ears heard every note. Two entirely different worlds happening at the same time and them both fitting seamlessly together, and some of the most powerful moments in film history achieved by this partnership.

The guitar has been an obsession for most of my life, I started late at about 17 after watching a friend sing a Pearl Jam song, I was deeply moved by the experience and bought a guitar the next day which I practised on obsessively.
Music was always a place for me to escape and being able to write my own material was a powerful drug, I was terrible at learning songs by other people (and still am) but I constantly wrote my own material. I detune my guitar a lot and often hear chords and melodies in my head, sometimes I wake up singing them like they're old tunes from the radio, but it's just something I've dreamt about in the night.



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